Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The setting of the Old Man and the Sea was in the sunny beautiful country of Cuba in the year 1951. Most of the book took place out in Santiago 's boat out in the Gulf Stream trying to catch marlins. But some of the book took place on the beach in Santiago ’s shack with the young argumentative boy, whose name is Mandalin.

the setting of this book greatly influenced the plot of the story in many different ways, since the book was all about fishing for Marlins the setting would have to be somewhere down south because you cant catch Marlins any where in the north because they are a tropical fish.The easygoing old man lives in a small old rickety shack made out huge palm leaves to shield him from rain and wind. In his shack all he has is a small table, a cot, and a oil lamp.

the sea at night is a very harsh place to be. it is full of big aggressive and frightening animals. it is also a beautiful place to be especial at sunrise and sunset. Because the sun shinning off the water is so magnificent. During the time Santiago spent in his dingy out at sea, he rarely goes into much detail about how magnificent the ocean really is but you can tell that he respects the ocean and all that is in it.

During the time Santiago spends at his shack on the beach you can imminently tell that he does not mind being so poor at the moment he realizes that the ocean has its ways and the wheel of fortune will finally land on him. It is hard for him to wait but he does. Santiago's` house is located right on the white sandy beach only a few hundred yards away from the sparkling great blue ocean.

Santiago's town is a small quiet fishing town in Cuba. He does not go into town but the young boy Mandalin goes in to town to get Santiago bait for fishing.